Conference "Public Governance as the Foundation of European Integration", 23-24 June 2016, Vienna
Agenda | Speakers | Twitter: #BACID16 | Livestream | Photos | Conclusions | Background

About the Conference
„Fundamentals first“ is the new approach of the European Commission which ensures a stronger focus on addressing fundamental reforms early in the enlargement process. These include the three pillars „rule of law“, „economic governance“ and „public administration reform (PAR)“. PAR is no specific negotiation chapter but nevertheless has to be seen as horizontal priority of a successful accession process. Transparency, accountability, effectiveness and quality of the public administration and services need to be increased also among EU Member States. Manifold institutions and activities in the Danube Region and Western Balkans deal with these key issues and a knowledge exchange on PAR and Good Governance between them should be started.
The conference is embedded in the Austrian activities as host of the 2015 Western Balkans Process organised within the Berlin Process, as well as the role of Vienna as Coordinator of the Priority Area “Stepping up Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). It has been initiated by the programme „Capacity Building of the countries in the Western Balkans and the Republic of Moldova“, funded by the Austrian Development Agency and implemented by the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns and KDZ-Centre for Public Administration Research.
MFA Austria, City of Vienna, PAC 10 “Institutional Capacity” of the EU Danube Strategy (lead by the City of Vienna and the Center of Excellence in Finance, Ljubljana), Austrian Association of Cities and Towns, Regional Cooperation Council, as well as Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) and NALAS (Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South-East Europe).
- Contribute to the current efforts of Public Administration Reform in the Danube Region / Western Balkans;
- Linking efforts towards Good Governance within the “Berlin Process” and EU accession integrating the EUSDR and SEE 2020 Strategy;
- Drawing attention to the importance of the coordination between national and subnational level in PAR-programmes
- Creating an overview of existing European Good Governance tools and connecting them to PAR in the Danube Region/Western Balkans;
- Initiating knowledge exchange and achieving synergies between relevant stakeholders dealing with Good Governance topics in the Danube Region/Western Balkans
Target Group
- Ministries of PA & MFAs Danube-Region/Western Balkan & EU;
- European Commission & Institutions;
- Local & Regional Government Associations, NALAS;
- Universities & Experts related to PAR;
- NGOs related to PAR;
- European Public Administration Network, European Group for Public Administration, EIPA;
- Development Agencies (ADA, SDC, GIZ…);
- EU programme authorities;
- Stakeholders from macro-regional strategies (EUSDR, EUSAIR)
- Public Administration Reform and Capacity Development as key pillars in the enlargement process and European Integration
- European Instruments for Public Administration Reform (PAR)
- EU Macro-regional and SEE2020 Strategies
- Human Resource Management in Public Administration
- Financial Management in Public Administration
- Urban Agenda and Local Government Reforms
- The role of NGOs and Civil Society in PAR