Danube Governance Hub Forum 2019


Danube Governance Hub Forum - Establishing CAF Structures and Resource Centers

Vienna, 7th of November 2019
Location: Sky Lounge / University of Vienna / 12. OG (12th floor) / Oskar Morgenstern-Platz 1 / 1090 Vienna

DGH Forum 2019 Vienna.jpg

About the Forum

This forum is designed for CAF correspondents and senior quality management experts in the public sector applying Common Assessment Framework (CAF) as a quality management tool and planning to build up CAF Resource Centres.
This forum addresses the following key questions:

  • What are the CAF structures, strategies, implementations and experiences in EU countries?
  • How to build up CAF-Resource Centers?
  • Which steps in Western Balkan countries need to be done to implement CAF and Quality Management?


Please download the agenda here ==> Agenda - DGH Forum 2019

Further Information

Please find here materials of the forum:


Materials of the Breakout Session I

File:DGH Forum - Breakout Session I.pdf

Photo gallery

Media Reports

Please note the TV report by Okto-TV about the conference.

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