100 Albanian Villages: Civic engagement towards urban-rural linkages

Revision as of 13:33, 24 March 2020 by Giebhart (talk | contribs)
Name 100 Albanian Villages: Civic engagement towards urban-rural linkages
Country Albania
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 1 (2018)
Year 2019
Priority Theme Sustainable Development Goals"Sustainable Development Goals" is not in the list (EU Integrations, Sustainable City, Smart City, Inclusive City, Quality Management, Public Administration Reform, Digitalisation, Decentralisation) of allowed values for the "Priority Theme" property.
Topic Economic and social development
Implementing Organisations superwien urbanism ZT OG
Partner Organisations National Territorial Planning Agency (AKPT)
[ See Social Media Post]
Last update 24. 3. 2020 by Giebhart
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Project description

In the framework of the 100 villages program of the Albanian government, superwien urbanism ZT OG will support the Albanian Territorial Planning Agency with knowledge about placemaking and techniques of civic engagement in urban planning. Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public spaces. Placemaking capitalizes on a local community's assets, inspiration, and potential, with the intention of creating public spaces that promote people's health, happiness, and well-being.



Objectives and results

The result is a simple participatory urban planning guide for small towns on how to develop urban strategies with place-based solutions. This methodology will be tested in the village of Kanina (Vlora) and then replicated in other towns through this methodology guide.

Implemented activities

a) through techniques of placemaking, local interest and knowledge was activated and immediately introduced into a project context,
b) the project linkage to Vlorë was identified as the main potential for economic development,
c) techniques for placemaking were introduced to planning in Albania,
d) vacant areas were identified, and the project was developed around these topics,
e) the methodology was disseminated throughout the project and a short video about the project made

Available materials

Final Report
Video documentation

Further information and contact

Roland Krebs
+43 664 612 8157

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