CAF - Bureau of Metrology Montenegro
Objectives and results
As the National Metrology Institute (NMI), the Bureau of Metrology is responsible for realization, preservation, maintenance and improvement of national measurement standards and establishment of metrological traceability in Montenegro. The Mission of Metrology is to provide high-quality services in the field of legal and industrial metrology, build trust in the system of measurements, develop scientific metrology and establish effective metrology system in Montenegro. The Bureau accomplishes its mission through professional work and research, innovation of services as well as constant improvement of services as well as constant improvement of the methods and procedures used in work and operational processes.
The organisation itself is structured in four departments, namely:
- Department for Metrological Traceability and National Standards
- Department for Verification of Measuring Instruments
- Section for Precious Metals Articles
- Service for General Affairs, Finance and Information System
Within its strategic framework and scope of activities following objectives and results should be reached with implementing CAF in the Bureau of Metrology:
(1) to perform the CAF in accordance with the European requirements of the CAF Quality Label
(2) to deepen practical knowledge of the employees of the Bureau of Metrology with the principles of quality management
(3) to develop the strengths, weaknesses and improvement measures of the Bureau of Metrology in a self-assessment process with the employees / self-assessment-group
(4) on the basis of a structured action-plan to implement sustainable improvement actions and strengthen the total quality management culture in the Bureau of Metrology
(5) Enabling the Bureau of Metrology to implement CAF by themselves.
Implemented activities
- CAF Training
- CAF Consensus Workshop – 03/2019
- CAF Action Plan Workshop – 04/2019
Available materials
Further information and contact
Thomas Prorok, Philip Parzer