Vladimir Bozinovski

First name Vladimir
Last name Bozinovski
Twitter @opstinagazibaba
Organisation Municipality of Gazi Baba, Macedonia
Website www.gazibaba.gov.mk/en
Country The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Session Practice Session 2 - Better Services through Strong Cities
Presentation Title Municipal Finance Self-Assessment – World Bank Tool for Local Government Assessment
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Vladimir Bozinovski

Born in 1983 – R.Macedonia. Mr.Vladimir Bozhinovski is Public Finance expert with 10 years of experience.

He started his career in Central Register – Skopje, where he provided technical assistance in financial documents processing. In 2007, he joined Gazi Baba Municipality finance department as costs and salaries Controller and Analyst of budgetary units. From 2009 he served as property tax administrator, responsible for organizing and capacity building of the tax department.

Since December 2010 Mr. Vladimir Bozhinovski serves as Advisor at Gazi Baba Municipality in the finance department, responsible for budget planning and execution, finance control, reporting and analysis. He also holds the position of Head Accountant in the municipality.

He participates in The World Bank - Austria Urban Partnership Program since 2012, with focus on Municipal Finances (Municipal Finances Self Assessment-MFSA).

In 2016 he joins the Institute for rehabilitation of hearing, speech and voice – Skopje as Board member.

Mr.Vladimir Bozhinovski holds an MSc degree in Financial Management.

Municipal Finance Self-Assessment – World Bank Tool for Local Government Assessment (PDF)


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