Tool:The Handbook and Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction


The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have jointly developed the Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction (the Checklist), and this accompanying Handbook. These tools are aimed at providing practical guidance to lawmakers, officials, and practitioners on how to review and improve laws and regulations to ensure DRR is prioritized in all sectors and at all levels with clear mandates and accountability frameworks. Source:

Tool details

Name The Handbook and Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction
Type Guideline, Assessment
Tool topic Policy-making & Strategy, Ethical values and anti-corruption, Performance management
Keywords lawProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user., disaster risk reductionProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user., DRRProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user., Legislative ReviewProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user., UNISDRProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user., International Federation of Red CrossProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Institution UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Year 2015
Target group national
Related File Handbook on law and DRR_dec2015.pdf; The-Checklist-on-law-and-DRR-Oct2015-FINAL.pdf
Last update 14. 09. 2017 by Admin
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