Péter Szegvari

First name Péter
Last name Szegvari
Organisation City of Budapest
Website http://budapest.hu/sites/english/Lapok/default.aspx
Country Hungary
Session Practice Session 2 - Better Services through Strong Cities
Presentation Title Modernisation of Human Resource Practices in Budapest after EU Accession
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Péter Szegvari

Lawyer, Senior Advisor to Lord Mayor of Budapest, graduated from ELTE Budapest University, where he nowadays holds lectures on the Constitutional Law as a Titular Assistant Professor. Meanwhile he teaches regional and local governance and development policy at the Corvinus University of Budapest, King Sigismund College of Budapest and Budapest School of Politics.

Previously he was dealing with regional development policy and public administration reform program, as Chief Advisor of the Prime Minister’s Office and after that as President of the Hungarian Regional Development Office. He has experience in sub-national governance, as well: in the Transition Period, between 1988 and 1992 he was the General Secretary of the City Council of Budapest. Since 2015 he has been the President of the Board of Directors of Budapest Transportation Centre (BKK).

Modernisation of Human Resource Practices in Budapest after EU Accession (PDF)


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