Natasha Acevska

First name Natasha
Last name Acevska
Twitter @NatashaAcevska
Organisation Network of Associations of Local Authorities in South East Europe (NALAS)
Country The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Session Practice Session 1 - Strengthening Public Finance Governance in South Eastern Europe: Complementing National and Sub-National Levels
Presentation Title Financing the Local Public Services and Investments
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Natasha Acevska

Ms Natasha Ilijeva Acevska is a Programme Officer at the Network of Associations of Local Authorities in South East Europe (NALAS). She is a highly skilled operative in social development and decentralisation in South East Europe, committed to thoughtful policy analysis, creative development of options and energetic implementation of programmes. Natasha has a hands-on experience in the decentralisation process in Macedonia since 2003 and has been drawing the advocacy agenda on fiscal decentralization in NALAS since 2010. She co-designed the framework for monitoring fiscal decentralization in South East Europe which is performed by the NALAS Task Force on Fiscal Decentralisation annually in order to steer up evidence-based discussions about the state of municipal finances. The outputs of this effort are the five editions of the report “Fiscal Decentralization Indicators for South East Europe” documenting the trends in the period 2006-2014 and offering a volume of policy recommendations. The reports are available online at

Natasha has been analyzing the decentralisation process in Macedonia and has published policy recommendations in fiscal decentralisation, education, local economic development and social protection services at the local level. She holds a M.A in European Integration and Communication and B.A. in Economy and Business Management from the state university “St Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje.

Financing the Local Public Services and Investments (PDF)


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