Michael Ralph

First name Michael
Last name Ralph
Twitter @EU Regional
Organisation DG REGIO, European Commission
Website http://ec.europa.eu/index en.htm
Country Belgium
Session Towards Public Governance – Improving Public Administration in Europe
Presentation Title The Role of the EU Danube Macro-Regional Strategy
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Michael Ralph

Michael Ralph is a permanent official of the European Commission with extensive experience in the area of EU Regional and Cohesion Policy. From 2004-2014 he was responsible programme manager in the Directorate-General for Regional Policy (REGIO) for pre-accession financing in the Czech Republic. Between 2004 and early 2010 he was Member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Vladimir Spidla, where he was responsible for the European Social Fund. Since 2011 he has been working as Adviser to the Director General and subsequently the Deputy Director General for Implementation in REGIO. His current main activity concerns policy advice in Eastern Partnership countries.

The Role of the EU Danube Macro-Regional Strategy (PDF)


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