Michael Häupl

First name Michael
Last name Häupl
Twitter @rk wien at
Organisation Mayor and Governor of Vienna
Website https://www.wien.gv.at/
Country Austria
Session Political Session
Presentation Title Vienna - the Governance Hub of the Danube Region
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Michael Häupl

Born 14 September 1949, Altlengbach, Austria, married, two children

Educational and professional background

• Studied biology and zoology at University of Vienna (Ph.D.)

• Research scholar at Vienna Natural History Museum (1975 to 1983)

Political profile

• 1983 to 1988: Member of Vienna Provincial Diet and Vienna City Council

• 1988 to 1994: Executive City Councillor for Environment and Sports

• 1993 until now: Party Chairman (Social Democratic Party) of Vienna

• 7 November 1994 until now: Mayor and Governor of Vienna


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