Mentoring on CAF to the Civil Service Agency of the Republic of Srpska

Name Mentoring on CAF to the Civil Service Agency of the Republic of Srpska
Country Bosnia and Hercegovina - Republic of Srpska
Programme Component Danube Governance Hub
Year 2017
Priority Theme EU Integrations
Topic EU Integrations
Implementing Organisations KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research
Partner Organisations Civil Service Agency of the Republic of Srpska
[ See Social Media Post]
Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin

Mentoring on CAF to the Civil Service Agency of the Republic of Srpska

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Objectives and results

The objective of the mentoring on CAF to the Civil Service Agency is to support the republic of Srpska in raising the quality management standards in the public administration of the Entity.
As a result of the mentoring, a CAF pilot project in the Civil Service Agency will be implemented and Improvement Plan elaborated, while the team of civil servants will be trained to disseminate the gained knowledge and promote CAF use in the country.

Implemented activities

The activities include:

  1. Introductory CAF Workshop with the CAF Team at the Civil Service Agency as the CAF correspondent: held on 26th of October 2017 in Banja Luka
  2. CAF Pilot project in the Civil Service Agency

Available materials

Introduction to CAF and CAF-Center Austria:
The webpage of the CAF-Center Austria:

Further information and contact

Thomas Prorok
Head of the CAF-Center Austria
phone: +43 1 892349218 - -

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