Sustainable Mentoring Support (SMS) is based on hands-on mentoring for municipal professionals from one of the target countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Serbia, Kosovo), including one-two weeks stay in Austria. The purpose of the mentoring is to get acquianted with the Austrian experiences and elaborate documents or tools (strategy, action plan, methodology, etc) that will bring improvement in delivery of municipal services in their city.
The preparatory activities may include the introductory workshop in the target country, that is followed by the agreement of the detailed programme of the visit to Austria. The mentoring visit includes presentations and discussions with the KDZ staff and external experts, the exposure to good practices of the City of Vienna or other Austrian cities, as well as drafting of the foreseen documents. Further elaboration of the necessary documents and its implementation on the city will be done with the remote assistance of an Austrian expert.
Information about implemented mentoring is available at the page: Good Practices Governance Forum.