Jan Meyer-Sahling

(Redirected from Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling)
First name Jan
Last name Meyer-Sahling
Twitter @MeyerSahling
Organisation University of Nottingham
Website https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/
Country United Kingdom
Session Practice Session 3 - Modern Human Resource Management for Better Public Governance
Presentation Title Improving Merit Recruitment Practices in the Western Balkans
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Jan Meyer-Sahling

Jan-Hinrik Meyer-Sahling is Professor of Political Science at the University of Nottingham, School of Politics and International Relations. His research concentrates on the quality of government in Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. He holds a PhD and MSc from the London School of Economics. Prior to joining Nottingham University, he taught as a Tutorial Fellow in Comparative Public Administration and Public Policy at the London School of Economics. Prof Meyer-Sahling was Max Weber Fellow (2007 – 2008) and Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow (2013 – 2014) at the European University Institute in Florence.

Prof Meyer-Sahling has been the author of OECD-SIGMA Reports on civil service professionalisation in the new member states of Central and Eastern Europe and the candidate and potential applicant states from the Western Balkans. He has recently worked with the Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) on improving the quality of human resoucres management in the Western Balkans. In 2015, he was author of the ReSPA study ‘Improving the Implementation of Merit Recruitment Procedures in the Western Balkans’.

Currently, Prof Meyer-Sahling is the Principal Investigator of a project on ‘civil service reform and anti-corruption in developing countries’. The project is part of the Anti-Corruption Evidence Programme funded by DFID and the British Academy. It develops and tests novel instruments to assess the relation between civil service reform, corruption and bureaucratic performance in 12 countries from Central and Eastern Europe, Western Balkan, Latin America, South Asia and Africa.

Improving Merit Recruitment Practices in the Western Balkans (PDF)


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