IMPROEN- IMPROvement of ENergy efficiency in public buildings

Name IMPROEN- IMPROvement of ENergy efficiency in public buildings
Country Bosnia and Hercegovina - Republic of Srpska
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 3 (2020)
Year 2021
Priority Theme Sustainable Development Goals"Sustainable Development Goals" is not in the list (EU Integrations, Sustainable City, Smart City, Inclusive City, Quality Management, Public Administration Reform, Digitalisation, Decentralisation) of allowed values for the "Priority Theme" property.
Topic Environmental protection
Implementing Organisations LIR Evolution
Partner Organisations Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH (EEE)
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Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin

Project description

The project IMPROEN addresses SDG 11 Target 11.c by focusing on improvement of energy efficiency in public buildings and research on buildings’ energy performance. The project provided a training session in energy efficiency improvement for energy managers and municipal officials, preparation of Manual on energy management in public buildings, and development of Position paper on financing souces for energy efficient rehabilitation of public buildings and quality of reconstruction materials. The Austrian and local expert jointly deliver a 2-days webinar providing transfer of best practices, knowledge and experiences on energy efficiency improvement to stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Municipal officials and energy managers gained benefits from newly acquired knowledge and skills.



Objectives and results

Overall objective of the IMPROEN project is to transfer knowledge and Austrian best practices in field of energy efficiency, and improve energy efficiency in public buildings in Republika Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Specific objectives are:
(1) conduct research and prepare a Position paper on quality of reconstruction materials and financing sources for energy efficient rehabilitation of public buidings;
(2) prepare a Manual with guidelines on efficient energy management in public buildings;
(3) deliver a 2-days Webinar on energy efficiency improvement, energy management and related best practices in public buildings dedicated to energy managers and municipal officials.

Implemented activities

(1) conducted research and prepared a Position paper on quality of reconstruction materials and financing sources for energy efficient rehabilitation of public buidings;
(2) prepared a Manual with guidelines on efficient energy management in public buildings;
(3) delivered a 2-days Webinar on energy efficiency improvement, energy management and related best practices in public buildings dedicated to energy managers and municipal officials,
(4) prepared and published online 3 articles promoting the project and its results.

Available materials

Position paper on potential financial sources for energy efficient rehabilitation of public buildings and quality of reconstruction materials
Manual on energy management in public buildings

Further information and contact

More Information available via e-mail:

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