Framework and Procedures in Vocational Rehabilitation, Macedonia

Name Framework and Procedures in Vocational Rehabilitation, Macedonia
Country North Macedonia
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 4 (2016)
Year 2016
Priority Theme Inclusive City
Topic Inclusive City - Disadvantaged groups
Implementing Organisations BBRZ Österreich
Partner Organisations Polio Plus - Movement against Disabilities
[ See Social Media Post]
Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin
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Objectives and results

The objective of this action is to support the authorities and NGOs on their way to integrating persons with disabilities into working life through the transfer of the Austrian know-how to the situation in Macedonia.
Expected results:
• Improved know-how of the representatives of authorities and NGOs concerning Vocational Rehabilitation
• Provided knowlegde and best practices about how different stakeholders in vocational rehabilitation could cooperate
• Gained Knowledge about possible ways of cooperation between authorities and NGOs in the field of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Implemented activities

Two-day workshop in Skopje "Framework and Procedures in Vocational Rehabilitation" with the presentation of Austrian framework, BBRZ-model concerning framework, procedures and cooperation between the different stakeholders and transfer to the situation in Macedonia.
The participants of the workshop will discuss possible models of cooperation between authorities and NGOs in Vocational Rehabilitation in Macedonia.

Available materials

Further information and contact

Ingrid Pammer
BBRZ Österreich

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