Enhancement of the security structures in Moldova - a project for development of cities, regions and civil protection

Name Enhancement of the security structures in Moldova - a project for development of cities, regions and civil protection
Country Moldova
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 2 (2015)
Year 2016
Priority Theme Sustainable City
Topic Sustainable City - Disaster risk management
Implementing Organisations Hans Kohler
Partner Organisations Landesfeuerwehrverband Vorarlberg, Civil protection and Emergency situation service of the republic of Moldova, Association of Moldovan Municiaplities (CALM)
[ See Social Media Post]
Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin
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Objectives and results

The action aims at using the existing social capital in cities/towns, through know-how-transfer from the Association of fire fighters Vorarlberg on how to organize volunteer fire brigades in Moldova The expected results are:
1. Common resolution of fire-brigades and communities for founding volunteer fire-brigades
2. Call to the government to support such actions.

Implemented activities

1. Workshop 1 : presentations from experts from Vorarlberg, moderated discussion and concretization of basics, surveys and needs for funding volunteer fire brigades;
2. Workshop 2: preparing recommendations for the decision-makers.
Field trip to Vorarlberg, Austria will be held in between two workshops, organized on private basis, to explore the situation and the structure of fire brigades in Austria.

Available materials

Project report in German: Report.
Resolution on establishment of voluntarily fire-fighter services: Resolution

Further information and contact

Hans Kohler
email. mailto:hans.kohler@outlook.com

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