Connecting Laktasi Tourism to Europe
Objectives and results
Main objectives of this project are threefold:
a) Beneficiaries would adapt their specific offers according to researched habits of Austrian tourism target groups (resulting from market research in Austria - eg. what do older retired people expect from a 3 or 5 day stay in a wellness resort),
b) use of already developed integrated municipal tourism strategy (also funded throuogh the BACID Fund) in order to boost Wellness Destination Laktasi and
c) participating in inter-european networking activities between Austria (West Styria), Switzerland (Zurich), Germany (Saarland, Bremen) and Poland (Oppeln) for mutual exchange of tourism and other economic activities like manufacturing etc.
Expected results are:
a) Laktasi (and wider Laktasi Region) promoted (primary) in Austria in establishing contacts to Austrian tourist agencies (like retired people`s association);
b) new tourists attraced to Laktasi´s different wellness and spa centers
c) new ideas for quality management (and improvement) of local touristic offers introduced
d) Laktasi becoming known as an interesting region for different economic activities.
Implemented activities
Activity 1: Do a market research about habits/expectations of potential Austrian wellness target groups
Activity 2: Present results from Austrian market research to Laktasi tourism companies/wellness resorts
Activity 3: Connecting Laktasi tourism/wellness & spa resorts and Austrian clients (eg. via presenting Laktasi tourism in Austria and/or inviting Austrians to Laktasi)
Activity 4: Summarizing results and establishing a detailed plan how to sustainable attract Austrian tourists to Laktasi wellness resorts
Activity 5: Developing a rough plan for tourism quality management (and improvement) of Laktasi tourism.
Available materials
Further information and contact
Christian Husak
CHC - Christian Husak Consulting