Common Assessment Framework
Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a tool to assist public sector organizations across Europe
in using quality management techniques to improve performance.
It provides a simple and easy-to-use framework which is suitable for self-assessments of public sector organizations.
CAF is a result of the broad and intensive cooperation among the EU Member States.
One of the mainstream activities of the BACID II project in the Western Balkans is to identify and select institutions
with whom both KDZ and ReSPA will intensively work in providing support to set up CAF-Centers through capacity building activities.
In the time frame 2019-2020, interested Institutions will receive three consecutive workshops and will be supported by KDZ and ReSPA
with the mentoring, coaching, advising and learning.
KDZ and ReSPA will support interesting institution in realizing the following project goals:
- Enabling staff to implement quality-management with CAF.
- Capacity-building and practical know-how-transfer in setting up quality-competence centers and in elaborating CAF-documents.
- Supporting the CAF-implementation on site.
To deliver these project goals KDZ and ReSPA will work in a coordinated way and deliver services such as CAF training,
facilitating of Self-Assessment and Action-Plan-Workshops as well as coaching and mentoring of the CAF Programme Managers.
Results, activities and impact of this project will be published on