Capacity building for social entrepreneurship

Name Capacity building for social entrepreneurship
Country Serbia
Programme Component BACID Fund Call 4 (2016)
Year 2016
Priority Theme Inclusive City
Topic Inclusive City - Disadvantaged groups
Implementing Organisations Metis GmbH
Partner Organisations 1. Regional Agency for Development small and medium enterprise Alma Mons, 2. Cluster of Social Enterprise
[ See Social Media Post]
Last update 29. 3. 2023 by Admin

Capacity building for social entrepreneurship

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Objectives and results

The objective of the action is to support the newly established Cluster management of the "Social entrepreneurship cluster" with basic skills on project preparation. This relates to technical and organisational capacities (procurement, IPA funding and conditions for this, presentation of the project) as well as to the development of approaches and content of social entrepreneurship projects. Potential project developers should be trained, and the cluster management should have a tool (handbook) for their further work related to project development. Good practice examples from ESF shall stimulate innovation in this field.

Expected results:

  • 10 trainees successfully pass training and improve their knowledge in field of Project Management.
  • Prepare and design 5 project ideas in line with the methods which are adopted during the training.

Implemented activities

Activity 1: Prepare a training together with the Regional Development Agency in Novi Sad
Activity 2: Carry out a 2-days training (2 trainers, one for the project development and procurement issues, one for the content of social entrepreneurship)
Activity 3: Finalize training material (Handbook)

Available materials

Further information and contact

DI Herta Tödtling-Schönhofer
Metis GmbH

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