Capacity Building for Investment Projects of Sarajevo Canton
Objectives and results
In the municipalities of Ilidza, Hadzici, Ilijas and Vogosca (Canton Sarajevo) several industrial zones with more than 220 operative companies have been established. The proposed action shall support know how generation for the public institutions with special focus on PPP modelling for a planned further expansion and create opportunities to attract new investors.
Implemented activities
1. Workshop with participation of all partners
2. Seminar session with introduction into project finance and investment planning; workshop focused on existing projects
3. Workshop focused on PPP Modelling
4. Evaluation of existing study on further investments in the region incl. status quo evaluation, SWOT analysis, Risk and Opportunities. as well as next steps definition
5. Elaboration of the document based on the workshops' materials and dissemination
Available materials
Further information and contact
Gerhard Sabathiel
SA Consulting GmbH
General Manager