Project description
Entrepreneurship combines skills, knowledge and creativity on the one hand, as well as responsibility, hard work, dedication and leadership spirit on the other. In order to successfully engage in entrepreneurship, every citizen with a high-quality entrepreneurial idea should have the skills and knowledge to help manage the business easier. Statistics show that every fifth young person in Serbia is the owner of a company or an entrepreneurial shop. But the difference in relation to a European peer is that in Serbia a young person starts his own business usually in his thirties, while his "colleague" from Europe swims in those waters when ten years younger.
Experts from Linz, Petra Hauser and Sara Kerstin Breuer will conduct a five-day entrepreneurial training through which participants will have opportunity to get tips for creating a business idea, market research, writing a business plan and creating competitive strategies.
They will represent Austrian entrepreneurial practices. The idea of a project and training is to encourage citizens not only for entrepreneurship, but also for active participation in socio-economic conditions in the environment in which they live. Being "Citizen in charge" means being responsible, interested and involved in all areas of public importance. This is one step towards the democratization of society, the empowerment of unemployed individuals and the stimulation of self-employment. After the training, participants will have mentoring support during the start-up of the business.
Objectives and results
The objective of the project is to empower the educated unemployed individuals from the territory of Subotica and to engage them in entrepreneurial flows, to promote the process of democratization and socio-economic development. 20 strengthened entrepreneurs, networking, awareness of social groups about the possibility of self-employment through concrete knowledge, trained professors for expanding entrepreneurial skills, opportunity for new ideas through international learning.
Implemented activities
1. A five-day entrepreneurial training for unemployed persons, but also for those who want to take an active part in changing socio-economic circumstances in their environment (May 13-17, 8-14h)
2. A one-day seminar about entrepreneurship, intended for School teachers with the goal of implementing knowledge in the teaching process (Saturday, May 18, 9-15)
3. Three-hour workshop for women, "Hidden Force of Woman" (Monday, May 13, 17-20h)
Available materials
Entrepreneurship Handbook
Presentation Part 1
Presentation Part 2
Content of Business Plan
Workshop Agenda
Further information and contact