CAF PARCO Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, BiH
Project description
Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office coordinates the public administration reform process in Bosnia and Herzegovina and creates conditions for effective implementation of public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. PARCO is currently implementing the Common Assessment Framework.
Objectives and results
(1) To perform the CAF in accordance with the European requirements of the CAF Quality Label. (2) To deepen the practical knowledge of the employees of the CAF-SAG in PARCO with the principles of quality management. (3) To develop the strengths, improvement areas, and improvement actions of PARCO in a self-assessment process with the employees / self-assessment-group. (4) On the basis of a structured action plan to implement sustainable improvement actions and strengthen the total quality management culture in PARCO (5) Enabling the CAF-SAG of PARCO to implement CAF by themselves. (6) Supporting the CAF implementation by RQMC and/or experts named by RQMC (on-site / remote). (7) Enabling PARCO to design future activities based on the project results, especially linking CAF activities with other ReSPA/ RQMC programme activities.