Bernard Brunet

First name Bernard
Last name Brunet
Twitter @eu near
Organisation DG NEAR, European Commission
Website en.htm
Country Belgium
Session Towards Public Governance – Improving Public Administration in Europe
Presentation Title The Role of Public Administration Reform in the EU Accession Process
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Bernard Brunet

Bernard Brunet is currently Head of Unit "Thematic Support, Monitoring and Evaluation" in the European Commission (DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations). This unis hosts a Centre of thematic expertise on Public Administration reform, working on policy development and providing thematic support to Commission staff working in the Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries. The Unit also participates in relevant policy dialogue.

Before joining DG NEAR, Bernard Brunet was a member of the cabinet of Commissioner Füle in charge of enlargement and neighbourhood policy from 2011 until 2014, with particular responsibilities on the European Neighbourhood policy and relations with Southern Mediterranean countries. Between 2002 and 2011, he worked on relations with the Maghreb countries in the European External Action Service and in the External Relations DG of the European Commission, and was posted to the Commission Delegation to Tunisia. Before 2002, he worked in the Commission's department on economic and financial affairs, in particular on economic issues related to enlargement and international financial issues.

The Role of Public Administration Reform in the EU Accession Process (PDF)


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