Alexandru Ambros

First name Alexandru
Last name Ambros
Organisation Mayor of Ungheni City, Republic of Moldova
Country Moldova
Session Practice Session 2 - Better Services through Strong Cities
Presentation Title Council of Europe Governance Programme: Municipal Best Practices
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Alexandru Ambros

Mr. Alexandru Ambros is currently serving his third term as the Mayor of Ungheni City, Republic of Moldova. He is a successful entrepreneur starting up his own printing company 17 years ago. He served nine years as a computer science teacher at „Vasile Alecsandri” high school in Ungheni.

Under the leadership of Mr. Alexandru Ambros as the Mayor of Ungheni, the city has attained great achievements. Ungheni has become the first city which developed its General Urban Plan according to European standards. It has a sustainable development strategy for tourism and a modern system of traffic lights. As a good manager and administrator, Mr. Alexandru Ambros could choose partners, donors and local actors who have significantly contributed to the continuous modernization of the city by making better use of local resources, by attracting investments, regenerating the local traditions and improving the quality of life. On the one hand, Mr. Alexandru Ambros effectively cooperates with local and foreign donors, such as Energy Efficiency Fund, National Ecological Fund, Social Investment Fund, United Nations Development Programme etc. On the other hand, he benefits from a fruitful bilateral cooperation with the civil society, public institutions, NGOs and initiative groups.

A unique and specific experience of Ungheni is the collaboration with the Alliance of active NGOs "Pro Local Agenda 21 Ungheni" and, in particular, with the Regional Centre of Sustainable Development and Ungheni Community Foundation. The last one has administered fourteen small grant programs during eight years and supported the community development.

Since 2011, Mr. Alexandru Ambros is the chairman of the Moldovan delegation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.


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