9th Edition Fiscal Decentralisation Report
Project description
The 9th edition of the NALAS Fiscal Decentralisation Report was officially published and European-wide officially launched at the CEMR Local Finance Experts Group on January 30, 2024 in Brussels! The report captures the development of local finance in South-East Europe (SEE) for the period 2006 – 2021, explores recent regulatory changes and compares the different economies’ performance related to (fiscal) decentralization indicators. It includes country chapters and a regional comparison chapter, providing updated data and information on local government finance in South-East Europe. It details the intergovernmental finance systems in each NALAS member country and recent reforms concerning local government tax powers, transfers, borrowing, and other ad hoc financing instruments. The report also features sections on the impact of COVID-19 on local government finance and the advocacy efforts of local government associations over the past two years. Additionally, it introduces a specific section on local government borrowing and debt.
Check the report here: https://nalas-observatory.eu/publications/23