Erhan Turbedar

First name Erhan
Last name Turbedar
Twitter @rccint
Organisation Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Session Towards Public Governance – Improving Public Administration in Europe
Presentation Title The Balkan Barometer 2015 & 2016 Measuring Public Governance
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Erhan Turbedar

Erhan Turbedar was born in the Kosovo in 1975. Turbedar received his Bachelor’s degree from the Gazi University in Ankara. He wrote his master’s thesis at the same university on the economic transformation process in South East Europe (SEE) and he got Doctor’s degree with the thesis on the transportation policies in the SEE countries. Turbedar has been conducting academic studies on SEE in different think-tanks in Turkey for 14 years and currently works as a Senior Political Advisor at the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). History of the Balkans, Political Economy of the Balkans and Current Balkan Politics are among the subjects that Turbedar teaches at universities in Turkey.

The Balkan Barometer 2015 & 2016 Measuring Public Governance (PDF)


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