Aleksandar Krzalovski

First name Aleksandar
Last name Krzalovski
Twitter @mcms mk
Organisation Civil Society Department at Macedonian Center for International Cooperation
Country The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Session Practice Session 4 - Civil Society as Partner of Public Governance
Presentation Title Good Governance and Civil Society in Macedonia
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Aleksandar Krzalovski

Born on June 19, 1969 in Skopje. Graduated at the Electro-Technical Faculty in Skopje in 1993. During the studies he was actively involved in three civil society organizations. Started to work in MCIC in 1995. Since 2009 he is in the Board of Directors of MCIC and is responsible for the programs dealing with community relations and for the Balkans. He has extensive experience in coordination and management of different projects and programs (including identification, formulation, monitoring and evaluation) including the large humanitarian operations (1999-2001) and activities targeting sensitive groups (religious communities, former combatants). He was a member of the National Council for European Integrations within the Macedonian Parliament in the period 2007-2011. Since 2000, he participates in consultancy missions for organizational and program evaluations in Macedonia and the Balkans. He is co-author of several publications.

Good Governance and Civil Society in Macedonia (PDF)


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